JavaScript Symbols. The Hidden Treasure
An in-depth look at the Symbol type in JavaScript, its characteristics, usage, and practical examples
Last updated: 2024-12-24JavaScript Symbols: The World of Unique Identifiers
Hello, dear developers! Today, we're going to dive into one of JavaScript's most intriguing and often misunderstood features - Symbols. Symbol is a new data type added to JavaScript with ES6 (ECMAScript 2015). Let's explore this topic in depth and understand the role of Symbols in the JavaScript world.
What is a Symbol?
A Symbol is a unique and immutable primitive value type in JavaScript. It's used as a unique identifier for object properties. Symbols are always unique, even if created with the same description.
Let's start with a simple example:
const symbol1 = Symbol();
const symbol2 = Symbol();
console.log(symbol1 === symbol2); // false
const symbol3 = Symbol("description");
const symbol4 = Symbol("description");
console.log(symbol3 === symbol4); // false
In this example, we created four Symbols. symbol1
and symbol2
without a description, symbol3
and symbol4
with the description "description". However, even when created with the same description, each Symbol is unique.
Creating Symbols
There are several ways to create Symbols:
- Simple creation:
const simpleSymbol = Symbol();
- Creation with a description:
const describedSymbol = Symbol("This is a description for the Symbol");
- Using the global Symbol registry:
const globalSymbol = Symbol.for("globalSymbolKey");
const sameGlobalSymbol = Symbol.for("globalSymbolKey");
console.log(globalSymbol === sameGlobalSymbol); // true
The Symbol.for()
method uses the global Symbol registry. If a Symbol with the given key doesn't exist, it creates a new one. If it exists, it returns the existing Symbol.
Characteristics of Symbols
- Uniqueness: Each Symbol is unique, even if created with the same name.
- Immutability: Symbols are immutable. Their value cannot be changed.
- Hidden: Symbols are typically used for hidden properties of objects.
- Description: Symbols can have a description, but this is only used for debugging purposes.
Practical Applications of Symbols
1. Creating Hidden Properties
Symbols are very useful for creating hidden properties in objects:
const hiddenProperty = Symbol("hidden");
const object = {
visibleProperty: "This is visible to everyone",
[hiddenProperty]: "This is hidden information"
console.log(object.visibleProperty); // "This is visible to everyone"
console.log(object[hiddenProperty]); // "This is hidden information"
console.log(Object.keys(object)); // ["visibleProperty"]
console.log(JSON.stringify(object)); // {"visibleProperty":"This is visible to everyone"}
In this example, the hiddenProperty
Symbol was used to create a hidden property in the object. This property is not visible through standard methods like Object.keys()
or JSON.stringify()
2. Creating Enums
Symbols are also very convenient for creating Enums:
const Colors = {
RED: Symbol("red"),
GREEN: Symbol("green"),
BLUE: Symbol("blue")
function checkColor(color) {
switch(color) {
case Colors.RED:
return "This is red";
case Colors.GREEN:
return "This is green";
case Colors.BLUE:
return "This is blue";
return "Unknown color";
console.log(checkColor(Colors.RED)); // "This is red"
console.log(checkColor(Symbol("red"))); // "Unknown color"
In this example, we created a Colors
object where each property is a unique Symbol. This allows us to create a safe and precise Enum.
3. Creating Iterators
Symbols are also used to create iterators. Symbol.iterator
is a special Symbol:
const iterableObject = {
[Symbol.iterator]: function* () {
yield 1;
yield 2;
yield 3;
for (let value of iterableObject) {
// Output:
// 1
// 2
// 3
In this example, we turned a simple object into an iterable object using Symbol.iterator
Special Symbols
JavaScript provides several special Symbols. They exist as static properties of the Symbol
object. Let's look at some of them:
1. Symbol.iterator
This Symbol is used to make objects iterable. It's called by the for...of loop.
const array = [1, 2, 3];
const iterator = array[Symbol.iterator]();
console.log(; // 1
console.log(; // 2
console.log(; // 3
2. Symbol.toStringTag
This Symbol is used by Object.prototype.toString()
to determine the type of an object.
class MyClass {
get [Symbol.toStringTag]() {
return "MyClass";
const object = new MyClass();
console.log(; // "[object MyClass]"
3. Symbol.toPrimitive
This Symbol is used to convert an object to a primitive value.
const object = {
[Symbol.toPrimitive](hint) {
if (hint === 'number') {
return 42;
if (hint === 'string') {
return 'Hello, world!';
return true;
console.log(+object); // 42
console.log(`${object}`); // "Hello, world!"
console.log(object + ''); // "true"
Symbols and Security
Symbols can be used to hide data and enhance security, but they don't provide complete security. For example, the Object.getOwnPropertySymbols()
method returns all Symbol properties of an object:
const hiddenProperty = Symbol("hidden");
const object = {
[hiddenProperty]: "Hidden information"
const symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object);
console.log(object[symbols[0]]); // "Hidden information"
Therefore, Symbols should be used for basic privacy, not as a serious security measure.
Symbols and Memory
Symbols are treated like other primitive values in the garbage collection process. If there are no more references to a Symbol, it will be removed from memory.
However, Symbols in the global Symbol registry are kept in memory for the duration of the program. Therefore, the Symbol.for()
method should be used cautiously.
let globalSymbol = Symbol.for("globalSymbol");
// globalSymbol will remain in memory even if not used anywhere
globalSymbol = null; // This doesn't affect the Symbol in the global registry
Symbols are an interesting and powerful feature of JavaScript. They are extremely useful for creating unique identifiers, adding hidden properties, and defining special behaviors. By using Symbols correctly, you can make your code more secure, precise, and flexible.
However, like any powerful tool, Symbols should be used with caution. It's important to understand when and how to use them, taking into account their uniqueness and privacy features.
By learning and applying Symbols in practice, you can unlock deeper capabilities of JavaScript and take your programming skills to a new level.
Enjoy coding, and good luck exploring the world of Symbols!